Energy Savings Calculator - Estimate how much you can save.

  Annual Energy Savings 2

Tons of CO2 Avoided Annually1
If 1,000 households did the same, it would reduce the same amount of CO2 as consuming     0      gallons of gasoline per year in typical 2014 automobiles 1
Replace a 100W incandescent bulb with an ELT 23W CFL

How many bulbs?

Replace a 75W incandescent bulb with an ELT 15W CFL

How many bulbs?

Replace a 60W incandescent bulb with an ELT 13W CFL

How many bulbs?

Replace a 40W incandescent bulb with an ELT 11W CFL

How many bulbs?

Replace a 60W incandescent bulb with an ELT 9W LED

How many bulbs?

Replace a 40W incandescent bulb with an ELT 5W LED

How many bulbs?

1 Estimated, based on calculations from the US Environmental Protection Agency
2 Based on average light bulb use of 3 hours per day and $ USD. kWh.
Please see your Energy bill.

Did you know?
Lighting consumes up to 20% of the average household energy bill. According to the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy, changing a light could save us $40 billion in energy from 2012 to 2030.